Make A Booking

Please read all of the following information carefully. If you know what documents you need to access, feel free to download them from the Resources menu to the right.

1 Booking Process

  1. Check available dates on our Google Calendar (bottom of home page).  Available dates appear as blanks (or are marked with an orange block for Eco-schools in the Wollondilly Network). You may choose any date that does not already have another school listed.
  2. Request your chosen date by contacting the Wooglemai Office.   Either phone us on 4680 9483 or email (or use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page).
  3. You will be advised (by phone or by email) of allocation of your requested dates. Please note that whilst we make every effort to ensure our calendar is up to date, on some occasions the Google Calendar may not reflect all bookings that are in place. You may be asked to revise your selected date in this instance.
  4. Successful bookings are then placed on our operational calendar by the Wooglemai Office.
  5. Upon return of your completed Booking Sheet (signed by your Principal) to written confirmation of your booking (including pricing per student) will be sent to the organising teacher of the excursion by email. Please make sure to include details of student numbers, times of arrival/ departure and specific information about the required teaching program and any student specific medical needs, etc.

2 Cancellation Policy

Wooglemai tries to provide service to as many schools as possible each year. We ask that schools do not make "speculative" bookings as this may disadvantage other schools who also require dates.

School groups that cancel a booking less than three weeks prior to the excursion date are liable for a $200 late cancellation fee.

3 Permission Notes for Archery, High Ropes Course, Initiative games and Kayaking

Due to the nature of some activities (specifically archery, high ropes course, initiative games and kayaking) we insist that parents be informed in writing of their inclusion in the program (where relevant). Whilst these activities are all supervised and carried out by trained personnel, some parents may not wish to have their child participate.

All parents must complete the Assumption of Risk form if the above activities are included. You do not need to send these back to us but please bring them to camp and let us know if anyone does not have permission to participate.

4 Prices

We charge a small fee for each student visitor. We do not charge attending teachers or parents that assist schools on camps. Our centre will invoice your school following your visit. Current pricing per student is as follows:

  • Day visit $8 (NSW DoE Schools), $15 (Non DoE Schools) Please note that a minimum fee applies for non-DoE Schools.
  • Overnight stays $20 per night
  • Recreational Activities (Ropes, Archery and Initiative Games) are an additional $5 per student/ per activity, Kayaking is an additional $10 per student. There are no additional fees for Bushwalking or Environmental Studies.